Make A Booking

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Judy is fully booked for 2025.

To make a booking, please use the below link to our new booking system. Bookings for 2026 are $180 and include a recording of your reading.

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Contact Angels Amongst Us

We are always more than happy to answer questions about what Judy does and how she does it, therefore feel free to contact us to ask any questions.

Judy does not answer questions through this format if they relate directly to a passed loved one. If you would like to know anything about this, please make a booking to see Judy.

If you would like to provide Judy with a testimonial, please be aware that your feedback may be published on this site.

Please do not send through messages in regards to making a booking as all bookings are done on the home page on the left hand side. All cancellations are posted on our Facebook page as we do not run a cancellation list. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.

Please be patient as we receive a lot of emails and it may take me a few days to get back to you.

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